How can a leader “lead” without integrity? Integrity is the essence of leadership. It is the foundational truth upon which your very existence should be built. Integrity is an essential building block to life and leadership. “Upon this rock I build my church…” Jesus said we are the church and our very existence “building blocks” are formed on “rocks” unmovable, stable, and not shifting. If such is the case as He has taught us then we should begin to promote our thoughts to meet our actions. So we can achieve the ultimate results. In his word he said, “as a man thinketh so he is” Therefore if our thoughts are in line with our actions we will get what we think about. In addition if our thoughts are pure and just we can effectively influence our behaviors. God also said, “Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus” If we trust the mind of Christ we are made in His image. We then should begin to think, speak, and walk as he did. Jesus’ words were His law. If He said it He thought it to past, Being made in the image and likeness of Jesus commands us to be like Him. We should have the integrity that Jesus did by having our words match our deeds.
Although Maxwell says “Image is what people think we are. Integrity is what we really are.” Jesus’ words always backed up what He said his followers were able to not only identify with Him but grow in trust. Trust is earned and I believe is synonymous with integrity. The leadership of Jesus epitomized the very essence of integrity. The first of seven principles to having integrity is that a leader must develop trust among his followers. Jesus managed to establish His trust by keeping close to the twelve disciples whom He had chosen. They followed him even after His death as they continued to lead in the same manner as Christ.
Tyndale. NIV Life Application Bible, Tyndale House Publishers Incorporated Carol Stream, Illinois and Zondervan Grand Rapids, Michigan 2005
Maxwell John C., Developing the Leader Within You. Thomas Nelson Inc, Nashville, TN, Copyright 1993
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